• Palma Rose Basket

Palma Rose Basket


Palma Rose Basket


Palma de Citron, in which 100% palm leaf is expertly woven into stunning bags and totes and also into trays for the home. We are grateful to work on this collection with the talented Toribo Family. We honor the artistry of their work and their meticulous process. We have the deepest appreciation that they have allowed us to create with them.

The process of creating this collection is detailed and tedious. Before our artisans can even begin weaving, the palm must be prepared. First, the palm is harvested from the fields. It then goes through a rigorous cutting and cleaning process to prepare it for paint. Next, each palm leaf is painted individually – one by one – and then hung to dry. Only after the palm is dry can the artisans start weaving the beautiful pieces in this collection.

Length: 15 in
13 in
7.5 in

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Palma de Citron, in which 100% palm leaf is expertly woven into stunning bags and totes and also into trays for the home. We are grateful to work on this collection with the talented Toribo Family. We honor the artistry of their work and their meticulous process. We have the deepest appreciation that they have allowed us to create with them.

The process of creating this collection is detailed and tedious. Before our artisans can even begin weaving, the palm must be prepared. First, the palm is harvested from the fields. It then goes through a rigorous cutting and cleaning process to prepare it for paint. Next, each palm leaf is painted individually – one by one – and then hung to dry. Only after the palm is dry can the artisans start weaving the beautiful pieces in this collection.

Length: 15 in
13 in
7.5 in

Flower Fest Shoulder Tote
Flower Fest Shoulder Tote